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Teranet’s latest Market Insight Report – An update on Ontario’s buyer segments

By novembre 2, 2021juillet 5th, 2024Rapport d’analyse du marché Teranet

In case you missed it, we released the latest edition of the quarterly Market Insight Report last week. These reports deliver a comprehensive analysis and insights on the real estate market in Ontario derived through our data scientists’ analysis of mortgage activity in the Ontario Land Registry.

In the last edition of the quarterly Market Insight Report, we focused on buyer migration activity in Ontario, in terms of the segment of purchasers who bought and sold property within a defined period. In this edition, we took a step back to look at the Ontario housing market as a whole, by segmenting all transfers of ownership in Ontario properties based on various buyer profiles: first-time homebuyers, movers, multi-property owners, life events and other.

While there has been much data and analysis on housing market transactions most have focused on only one of these segments, such as first-time home buyers, and/or are based on anecdotal evidence or surveys. Teranet’s latest Market Insight Report delivers a comprehensive, data-driven analysis of the Ontario housing market leveraging our access rights to the Ontario Land Registry data.

Here are a few highlights our data scientists uncovered during their analysis of Ontario’s buyer segments:

  • From 2011 to August 2021 the movers segment has been the smallest buyer segment, representing between 15-18% of property title changes in Ontario.
  • First-time homebuyers and multi-property owners  have also maintained a consistent presence in Waterloo, perhaps due to the region’s growing concentration of high-tech companies and job opportunities as well as parents purchasing properties in Waterloo to house children pursuing post-secondary education.
  • From the start of 2020 to August 2021 Gen-Xers and millennials are the biggest age cohorts participating in the real estate market. They participate almost equally in the movers segment, with another 18% attributable to the baby boomers. Millennials make up almost 70% of first-time homebuyers activities.

If you need more information about the data presented in the report, the Teranet Data Science Lab can help you dig deeper. Our Data Scientists will work closely with you to answer your questions with insights from our proprietary databases. For more information, please contact your dedicated Teranet account manager.