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Automated Valuation Power: Lending Operations, Marketing, Collections, and Enforcement

By novembre 9, 2020juillet 8th, 2024Solutions financières

We all know that Automated Valuation Models can provide accurate property values. However, they are capable of doing much more!

AVMs also come in handy when it comes to collections, enforcement, marketing, and even the overall risk assessment of your portfolios.

On a macro level, AVMs can provide you the information you need for trend analysis and identifying hot markets.

On an operational level, they can reduce your mortgage underwriting costs. They’re less expensive than appraisals and provide a preliminary picture before you allocate more time and resources to a deal.

This is not all – AVMs can support collections and enforcement activities.

Learn how you can leverage AVMs to stay on top of all the real estate market trends on the Purview blog: