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Employee Community Spotlight: Bisma Butt, Senior Data Analyst

At Teranet, we believe in the power of community and the profound impact that each individual can have when they give back. Our Employee Community Spotlight series celebrates the dedicated efforts of our team members who go above and beyond to make a difference. This month, we are excited to feature Bisma Butt, our Senior Data Analyst, who exemplifies what it means to be a compassionate and engaged community member. 

Bisma Butt

What does community mean to you? 

For Bisma, community is synonymous with humanity. She reflects, “We often place ourselves into groups with like-minded ideas and forget that as a human race, we are all equal. I am a big believer in equal treatment for all, despite race, religion, ethnicity, or gender. That is what community means to me.” Bisma’s perspective highlights the importance of inclusivity and equality, reminding us that every individual deserves respect and fair treatment. 

How do you connect with charity throughout the year? 

Bisma’s commitment to charity is a year-round endeavor. “Each year, a percentage of my earnings and savings is designated for people in need,” she shares. “My goal is to internationally diversify the charity organizations to which I donate and be more hands-on with my charity work.” Bisma’s approach to giving back is both strategic and heartfelt, aiming to make a meaningful impact across various communities worldwide. 

Growing up, Bisma’s parents, who are from Pakistan, always taught her that she is very privileged with everything she has in Canada, especially as a woman. This lesson has deeply influenced her charitable actions. “I came across this opportunity where Manzil was looking for mentors for women in a remote village in Pakistan. I jumped on the opportunity and had the chance to mentor two cohorts. To have the mentorship opportunity with someone in a first-world country was incredible.” 

Manzil is a non-profit organization in Pakistan dedicated to empowering underserved communities through education, skill development, and entrepreneurship programs. 

Which charities are you passionate about working with? 

One of Bisma’s greatest passions is supporting charities that provide underprivileged children with educational opportunities. “In the third world, education can impact an entire generation and lift families out of poverty permanently. To me, this is an unmatched opportunity,” she explains. Bisma’s dedication to education-focused charities underscores her belief in the transformative power of learning and its ability to create lasting change. 

Why do you think connecting with your community throughout the year is important? 

Bisma firmly believes that compassion is one of humanity’s best qualities. “There is no better feeling than to engage with my community through the feeling of compassion,” she says. By connecting with her community throughout the year, Bisma emphasizes the importance of empathy and the joy that comes from helping others. 

A Commitment to Making a Difference 

Bisma Butt’s story is a testament to the significant impact one individual can have on their community. Through her unwavering dedication to equality, strategic charitable contributions, and passion for education, Bisma embodies the values of compassion and humanity. At Teranet, we are proud to have team members like Bisma who inspire us all to connect, grow, and thrive together. 

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories in our Employee Community Spotlight series, where we continue to highlight the incredible efforts of our team members who are making a difference both locally and globally.