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Teranet’s latest quarterly Market Insight Report: A Focus on Multi-Property Owners in Ontario

By June 14, 2022July 4th, 2024Market Insight Report

In case you missed it, we released the latest edition of the quarterly Market Insight Report last month. Teranet’s Market Insight Reports deliver a comprehensive analysis of the Ontario housing market and new insights into the real estate market in Ontario derived through our data science team’s analysis of sales registration activity in the Ontario Land Registry.

In a previous edition of the Market Insight Report, we focused on the Ontario housing market and segmented all transfers of ownership in Ontario properties based on various buyer profiles: first-time homebuyers, movers, multi-property owners, life events and other. In this edition of the report, we dive deeper into the multi-property owner segment to identify their buying behaviours and trends.

To get a sneak peek of the data included in our latest report, we’ve compiled a few highlights from our data science team:

  • Since 2017, purchases of Ontario properties by multi-property owners have been on an increasing trend, reaching a peak in 2021. From 2017 to 2021, multi-property owners were the biggest buyer segment, accounting for 22% of purchases of Ontario residential properties. In 2021, this buyer group made the highest number of property purchases in Ontario at over 99,000.
  • Multi-property buyers are getting younger. In 2021 a trend emerged whereby the multi-property buyer is getting younger, specifically in the two-property ownership group. The peak of the age distribution curve for the two-property owner in 2017 was 42 to 47 years old. By 2021, the peak of the curve has moved to 39 to 43 years old, at much higher volume levels, the age distribution curve has moved to 39 to 43 years old tied with higher volume levels.
  • As of April 30, 2022, over 53% of properties owned by multi-property owners are by those with only two properties in their portfolio, representing 13% of the Ontario property base. Approximately 29% of the properties owned by multi-property owners have four or more properties in their portfolio, representing 7% of the Ontario property base.
  • In Ontario, of the properties owned by multi-property owners, over 70% are owned by those who have all their property holdings in the same region. For example, this represents owners who have five properties, all in Toronto, or two properties, both in Ottawa. This points to the likelihood of investment properties close to a principal residence for ease of maintenance or purchases for related parties (such as children) for convenience and connection.

If you need more information about the data presented in the report, the Teranet Data Science Lab can help you dig deeper. Our Data Science team will work closely with you to answer your questions with insights from our proprietary databases. For more information, please contact your dedicated Teranet account manager.

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