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Teranet Insighters: A look back at 2022

By December 7, 2022Teranet Insighters

At Teranet we’re dedicated to continuously improving the experience our customers have when interacting with our products and solutions, which is why we launched the Teranet Insighters community. Through the third year of this community, we were able to connect with our members on a regular basis and gain the insights we need to make important decisions about the future of our offerings. Let’s take a look back at what the Teranet Insighters community accomplished together in 2022!

Teranet Insighters launched in 2020 and since then we’ve welcomed 1,582 industry experts to the community. Our members include land professionals, legal professionals, employees of lenders and banks, mortgage brokers, employees of government and utilities, as well as real estate sales professionals.

Thanks to the commitment and engagement of our members, we were able to accomplish many activities in 2022, the results of which helped us make decisions about future product offerings and enhancements to existing solutions and products.

Here are a few highlights from the activities members participated in 2022:

  • We asked Mortgage Brokers to share their thoughts about the PurView e-Store that launched in December 2021. As a result, Mortgage Brokers have the ability to purchase Title Searches that can be incorporated into the full PurView property report or purchased separately.
  • Members of the Legal community shared with us their their thoughts on how they use WritFiling and SureFund, which will help strengthen our product planning.
  • We asked Mortgage Brokers, Banks and Lenders about the PurView training resources available to them, and as a result, we were able to enhance our training through videos and regular newsletters to users.
  • The Real Estate Professionals community provided their questions for industry experts to discuss at one of Teranet’s virtual Market Insight Forum: Innovation in Real Estate this year. From this, we were able to provide valuable insight into the current state of the market and offer key takeaways to further support real estate professionals in their business.
  • The Real Estate Professionals community shared their notable experiences when using GeoWarehouse and any transactional reports that were purchased through the GeoWarehouse store. This feedback allowed our team to better understand the use cases for the variety reports offered and which reports provided the most value in a real estate professional’s business.
  • Real Estate Professionals were asked about the current GeoWarehouse training opportunities to enhance our offerings in the future.
  • We heard from Mortgage Brokers there is a need for a package for new agents. As a result, we partnered with Mortgage Professionals Canada to launch the New Agent Priority Package.

We understand our Teranet Insighters are busy professionals and their time is valuable, which is why each month our active members are entered into a draw to be featured as our Member of the Month. These members receive a gift card, are featured on the Teranet Insighters member hub, and are showcased to over 24,000 followers across all of Teranet’s social media channels.

We would like to congratulate our 2022 Members of the Month and thank you for sharing your voice with us:

  • Caryn Parchment
  • Stuart Lessels
  • Cameron Nolan
  • Brenda Johnston
  • Anson Martin
  • Meg Lyttle
  • Gregory Johnston
  • Reid Dundas
  • Karen Matthey
  • Lisa Snow
  • Luke Smyk

Thank you to all of the customers that took the time to participate in Teranet Insighters in 2022! We are excited to continue to connect with our customers and work together as we deliver enhancements to our products and services in 2023.

If you aren’t already a member of Teranet Insighters and would like to join the community, click here to take this brief recruitment survey and become a member today!